Here are the top five reasons why you should keep chickens
- A supply of fresh, free-range eggs, that are yummy - every day. Most “fresh” eggs bought from a supermarket are at least 3 weeks old. Research has also shown that organic, free-range eggs are much lower in cholesterol than eggs that come from intensive production systems.
- Chickens are the very best way of instilling a sense of care and responsibility in children. Children also love to collect eggs and doing so helps to connect them with the reality of how food is produced.
- Hens are easy pets to look after and often pay for themselves. There is also a chicken breed out there to suit everyone and almost all gardens.
- For their entertainment value. Chickens are endlessly fascinating and simply being near them gladdens the heart and lifts the spirit.
- Chicken droppings are rich in nitrogen, phosphates and potash and are a great fertilizer for your garden. Don’t, though put them directly on to your flowers, as it will scorch them. Chickens also love to eat slugs.
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