Frequently Asked Questions

How many chickens do I need?

Depending on the breed, a hen will lay up to 300 eggs a year, so almost one a day. I would recommend a minimum of three birds together because any fewer will bicker and quarrel.

Do I need a cockerel?

No. Chickens like to have a cockerel around, but it does not affect how they lay. If you live in a built up area its probably kinder to your neighbours not to have one.

Where should I buy my chickens?

Always buy from a reputable supplier who is willing to give advice freely and offer help.

How long do hens live?

A happy, free–range hen can live for anything from five to ten years, depending on the breed.

Do I need permission to keep chickens?

If you are keeping chickens for family use, you are unlikely to encounter any restrictions, but it is always advisable to check local planning regulations.

Come and visit us at our smallholding on the Hampshire / Surrey border to see our chicken for sale and ask for any help and advice. You can also take a look at some recommended links to other website where you will find useful information for keeping chickens.

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