Having kept poultry for most of my life, my passion for these wonderful birds has led me to write two books, be a columnist for Country Living Magazine, be featured in a great DVD with Countryfiles' Jules Hudson on chicken keeping, and now I have set up my own business - Hollywater Hens - which enables me to sell “HAPPY HEALTHY HENS” and impart my knowledge to customers who can then share this truly wonderful hobby.
Welfare of my chickens is paramount, we are registered with DEFRA and have an affiliation with a wonderful specialist poultry vet. With over 300 girls roaming around there will certainly be one here to suit you. We have a variety of organically reared hybrid and pure breed chickens for sale. We have hens of all sizes and there will be a chicken here suitable for small gardens and large. We have a variety of organically reared hybrid and pure breed chickens for sale as well as quail, geese, turkeys and ducks.
With over 20 years experience keeping poultry we can help and support you on your journey from buying to keeping chickens. We are a family run business where the welfare of our hens is the top priority.
We have a fully stocked shop of useful and tried and tested products that we use ourselves including feeders, drinkers, wormer, tonic and bedding and of course the odd chicken novelty.
If you need any help or advice come and visit us; we can offer ideas for your individual requirements, we have an array of chicken coops and runs in use to suit most situations. We sell a small selection of chicken houses but can always point you in the right direction if we don’t have what you want.
At Hollywater Hens we run Chicken Courses on some Sunday mornings - A great way to gain confidence and knowledge enabling you to provide your girls with a happy healthy lifestyle.